Sunday, September 25, 2011

Misi Jubah Merah 2012: 2nd posting-Internal Medicine

I've reached the end of my 2nd posting which is Internal Medicine. In 7 weeks we were devided into 3 groups and posted to HUKM, Hosp. Teluk Intan (HTI) and KL General Hospital in rotation of 2 weeks each. Every hospital has its own different approach & experience. So, a quick adaptation to the environment is important.

My experience for IM:

1. Hospital UKM (HUKM/PPUKM)
since this is our prime hospital, we were expected to be ready & be the best. So, most of us are more 'rajin' here. I went to the ward morning, evening and night....with breaks in between. We are entrust with 6- 7 patients per person and expected to know the patients condition & daily management. We are expected to help the housemans doing minor procedures. Follow the rounds and present any new case (thats why we need to come every night to cover the beds).. However, it depends on the Medical officer or specialist. Not all of them expect or wants you to present.......

2. Hospital Teluk Intan (HTI)
Shall i say it as a vacation??? haha...I might after 2 weeks of so call 'hardship' at HUKM. We are send to Perak and stays at a terrace house with given a driver to pick us up. Acceptable accomodation & service given by UKM. HTI patients and medical staff are nice...I mean VERY nice. It is obvious especially the nurses if i compare it with PPUKM nurses. They are VERY nice. Now, I've said it twice. Better not to 'mengumpat' here, coz my life will be miserable in HUKM if i wrote it down. The patients respect you and very humble. However, i do notice some language difference. They are not city people. Therefore, the words we choose must not be too formal. Not all, but most of them...

3. General Hospital (HKL)
We were send here to do Dermatology for a week and general medicine for a week. HKL is a very busy hospital. And yes, the nurses are NICE too even they have twice more patients than HUKM....(ok tak nak mengumpat disini pasal nurse HUKM).The general ward gave me a lot of experience with HIV and intravenous drugs users (IVDU) patients. In HUKM i rarely seen them. In HKL they are admitted almost everyday.There are also a lot of TB patients.

Dermatology was also intresting...Get to see various type of psoriasis, Herpes Opthalmicus and Lepramatous Leprae. Others are contact dermatitis and venous stasis..

Thats all for Internal Med....Next stop is SURGERY...The list is out. I'll be in Hepatobilliary team..wish me all da best (>,<)

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