As you can read the above title...finally i'm eligible to go home and continue my clinical year at UKM. My result isn't a 'gempak' one. However, alhamdulillah i am promoted without any problem..(means without any fail subject)
I'm taking the facultative remedial to improve my grade.Another reason is the exam helps to motivate me to study.Thus, i choose to kill two bird with one stone by having the opportunity to improve my grade and revise what i've learned as the preparation for clinical year.
T-shirt UNPAD i bought..
At the back...i gave the opportunity to my batch mate to scribble(Conteng) it..nyesal..huhu..NOT,you guys leave something memorable to me!!
My appriciation to all the lectures who are all keren, helpful and kind.
1.Allah the mighty for giving me strength and opportunity to still standing to where i am right now.Kun fayakun...alhamdulillah!!
2.My Parents and family who are always giving their support and prayers.
3.My study group mate which we go through everything guys always been supportive and helpful.
4.My batch& class mate who are fun to be with regardless our differnces and always supportive to each other.We..the twinning programe 2006 are always KOMPAK(in unity)!!
My batch mate after the result came out(yes, we have to wear the alma mater(UNPAD) coat to get our result)
Hopefully we will keep in touch in UKM as we will be divided in to four different group..
For those who takes remedial exam whether obligatory(wajib) or facultative(tak wajib) i wish you all GOOD LUCK and my prayer that all of us are eligible to continue our clinical year at UKM this year..
For those with 'Gempak' result and choose to go home earlier(didn't take remedial)..happy holiday with family and friends
Wasalam....gonna miss you all TWP'06(",)
Salam aishah..ganbatte utk remedial..walaupun separuh hati nak balik duk ngan family but we have to grab the opportunity untuk buat revision. Semoga kali ini remedial lebih bermanfaat.
Congrats to you..result awk gempak gak.
To Menggapai Endensor:
Salam nisa,
Thanks for the comment. Result sy takla gempak..kalu tak awl2 sy dh balik tak amek remedial..hehe
Tp bgus gak amek..motivated utk buat revision.
Good Luck utk awk dan sume kwn2 kita yang Stay lagi lama di Jatinangor utk remedial
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