The picture above taken during last raya..Abg Memen busy teaching Adik to ride bicycle.
Today is my beloved Mama's birthday. Alhmadulillah, i think finally she found more peaceful life after our family decided to move to Malacca from Kuala Lumpur.
The previous school was an all-boys-famous-secondary government school in Kuala Lumpur. It was busy,hectic and full with high expectation. Being the 2nd person in charge with the school she have to deal with both teachers and students...and also parents. The Principal always outstation to meet the course and activities by government for the school principal, leaving my mum in charge. My mom have to adapt to this condition after 21 years happily teaching at an all-girl-school that gave less pressure.
Glad for my mum, she's sound more happy and less irritated. Funny, she event complaint to me she don't know what to do at the school(too relax after the hectic life at KL) because all the teachers are very cooperative and do their job well.The students are well behave and didn't cause much problems.The school was my dad secondary school.Moreover, Malacca is a nice small city compare to the busy KL...Well, i live most of my life in KL.Can't wait to get back to the new home(",)
May you found more happy, less stress and peaceful life.I miss you!!
aslm cuzzin,
mok dah lagi dua tiga tahun nak pencen..
che mah lagi six or seven years lebih kurang..
kte laaaaaambat lagi nak pencen!
oh well..
guess Che Mah have to wait a little bit longer than Mok Dah..hehe
tp bosan juga kalu tak keje.Unless ada benda boleh occupied the time mcm jaga cucu mum insyallh dpt menantu dis coming may..Che Mah bila lg...ehemmmm(",)
ur mom previous school..
sounds like sbp..
which one ek?
To 3rdmarch:
Not is an old boys school in the center of KL...
have their own school tradition & alumni like MCKK without the boarding school part.
Better not to mention the name here..haha
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