As you can see from my blog address, i think that life should be wonderful. However, i always pray for guidance to have it meaningful. For example, my life as a student at UNPAD becoming more meaningful when i join the extracurricular activities by PKPMI,KUBI,BEM AS-Sifa'and other student organization in UNPAD..especially medical faculty.
It's challenging but a good learning process when enthrust me into several leadership position in the student's organization. Don't i ever feel tired to balance it with studies? Frankly yes, however i will rather choose to have a more meanigful life rather staying put doing nothing except study. I hope it continues when i continue at UKM.
Regardless what I've done till now...Do i ever achieve any truly meaningful life??
I just discover it after i join a motivational program by ESQ( Emotional, Spiritual Quotient).To discover it i choose to join ESQ instead of Sports' Day by PKPMI(which i really want to participate).I'm glad i choose ESQ!!It was founded by Ary Ginanjar Agustian.For more info you can visit the website here
My fellow bloggers who joined...we are the only Malaysians
The ESQ way use what have been thought by our prophet Muhammad pbuh 1400 years ago which are 165(1 ihsan, 6 pillars of iman, 5 pillars of Islam). Since from primary school we are exposed to intelligent quotient method of learning.Thus our emotional and spiritual quotient are based on the initiative of our parents to guide us, the environment we live in and the will of ourselves to learn it more.
ESQ thought as that Al-Quran is not only for Muslim but Al-Quran and Islam are for humans.So, other religion can also apply this concepts by adjusting them according to their own religion.In fact, there was a Buddhist among the participant. So far, 10% of the alumni is non-Muslim.
The theme song is Demi matahari by Snada(u can find it at u-tube) is based on Ash-Syams,chapter91..verses 1-6..
By the sun and his brightness, (1) And the moon when she followeth him, (2) And the day when it revealeth him, (3) And the night when it enshroudeth him, (4) And the heaven and Him Who built it, (5) And the earth and Him Who spread it, (6) And a soul and Him Who perfected it (7) And inspired it (with conscience of) what is wrong for it and (what is) right for it.
The learning process is very interesting which i haven't found in any program yet. Before we start, we have a few rules to obey.Both of your brains are working because they use audio visual method.Songs are played while the modules are given. We dance or exercise during break in between modules.It makes the learning process FUN and EASY to absorb.The way to learn is 'BERSENANG-SENANG'(relax and fun).
ESQ teach us to integrate our IQ,EQ and SQ by making ALLAH(GOD..the creator)as the center of everything.During ESQ, they taught us more on EQ and SQ by using verses from al-Quran.They lead us to learn 99 names of Allah(asma al- husna) and let us apply it to ourselves.
There is an intresting fact that we learned about Kaizen.It is a concept which helps Japan becoming better, beating the West with Bullet train(fastest in the world) and car industry by turning something bad into a better thing. Actually, we way is in Al-Quran if we understand the true meaning of Al-fatihah..subahannallah.If you want to know more you have to join ESQ.
How to join them?? If you live in Jatinangor,there will be a training near Al-Islam Hospital on early May. I already took information on ESQ at Malaysia and insyaallah,I will join their program there.As Alumni, you can their training and programs for free.
ESQ are well recognize in the world especially at their neighboring countries like Malaysia.
So friends, i would like to suggest you all to join it. Alhamdulillah in my last month at Indonesia, I am able to participate in ESQ at its country of origin.
I hope the effort of ESQ... change Indonesia into a better country with out coruption( Golden country)will be achieved. humans realize the meaningful of life goes on.
3....can make MALAYSIA achived vision 2020..Malaysia Boleh!!
P/s: About my previous entry, there's almost similar true story about it we learned during ESQ about an ESQ alumni. When the loved one died, people expect here to be hysteric. However, she didn't but she says to the lifeless body..Daddy, i know that this will happen someday. We are his humble servant and one day i will meet him too,thus i will always pray for you and prepare myself before i meet HIM...
So friends, the moral of the the story is always believe in Qada' and Qadar Allah(fate by Allah)
Salam dear aishah..Pagi!! semangat dong..heh
Alhamdulillah..thanks to Allah coz He chose us to join this amazing motivational programme..i still can't forget this programme..hope we can apply and istiqomah this 165 in our life until we meet our Creator..Amin..
psst: to my fellow friends out there..please try to join this can feel it by yourself when u join this touching..
"Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." Unless if u try one..
To Menggapai Edensor:
Pagi! Semangat!(",)
Betul tu..mari kawan2 join ESQ..sure anda dpt lbh dr yg anda fikirkan...
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