After white coat ceremony at the end of PPD Camp 2...
I just got back from Besut BTN camp after spending 5 days there for Professional Personal Development 2 (PPD)camp.Medical students of UKM have to attend this camp during 1st(starting pre-clinical),3rd(starting clinical) and 5th year(final year).
PPD is a modul that will be assessed throughout the year and this camp is the beginning of the modul. This modul is intergrated into each posting.However, I'm not really sure yet how they evaluate us yet.If you fail PPD it equal to failing a posting.If you fail 3 or more posting after re-sit, you have to repeat the year..huhu..May Allah forbid that happening to me..
The moduls are mainly by Assoc. Prof Dr Harlina with the help of other PPD department members.This time the Camp comandent is Assoc. Prof Dr Zulkifli who is also our Pengetua KTDI
The objective of PPD camp are different for each year.For PPD 2 it is more to developing medical professionalism and preparing us to the clinical world.The moduls are related to managing diversity, honesty, assesscibality as a medical students and medical ethics. We are also given a lecture by Prof. Dr Rohaizak about etiquettes of doctors on our behavior,manner and appearence.
I am glad to have such a GREAT team members regardless our diversity..hehe.We all share the same spirit and had a good bonding during the activities. I am in Kumpulan 10 and there was 24 groups for 272 students.Quite a big number eh??
In summary:
1.The camp is at Besut, 5minutes walk to the beach.
2.My bus sesat during our journey to Besut and we arrived after 12 hours on road..huhu
Excited faces when we just started our journey
3.The condition was VERY HOT!!I nearly melted...hoho..
4.WE are well fed as we get to eat 6 times per day(ruining my diet plan..huhu)
5.I LIKE my Kumpulan 10 members...they are wonderful
6.I get rashes and gatal2 on 4th day till now..huhu.Some of my friends get similar problems.
7.The Kembara(which is the cream of PPD) had to be cancelled due to the heavy rain but, good thing is we get to mandi hujan..hehe
after the Kembara was cancelled..we heal our dissapointment by taking photos by the beach..
8.On 4th day, we get to do Subuh prayer by the beach however the sunrise wasn't visible due to cloudy condtion(later it rained and we have to cancel Kembara..huhu)
9.The schedule are very thight...slept during ceramah BTN..can't help it..(",)
10.We have to write a letter to ourselves about what we want to achieve during clinical years and our feeling at the moment.These letters are kept and will be given to us on the day before our graduation in 2012 insyaAllah.I just can't wait to read my letter again on 2012.
with Dr Irwan Januarsih & Dr Uni who are from UNPAD..we will miss you!!
I would like to thank all who make this PPD camp2 happen especially to Dr Harlina & PPD unit, Dr. Zul, Dr SHahrir, Dr Setiawan & Dr Irwan Januarsih from UNPAD and all fascilitators.Special thanks to my fascilitator Dr Azaman(Pharmacology) and Dr Suzaily(Psychiatry).Both of you have been a wonderful fascilitator to us, Kumpulan 10.
I really enjoyed this PPD camp.I hope to experience more excitement and enjoyful moments during PPD3 camp during my 5th year..With this I rest my case
Hi there...
I googled PPD2 camp just for the fun of it and walla, i chanced upon your wonderful & meaningful blog!!
Nice to know tat students actually enjoyed the camp... Many of the students n facis who got caught in the rain on kembara day had their handphones soaked n ruined... luckily i ponteng that event.. i m a lazy faci mah.... hehe
Ding C. H.
To Ding C.H :
Hi Doctor(as u r one of the faci, just assumed you r our UKM doct)..
Thanks for dropping by and leave the comment..
Well, at least you still follow us to PPD camp2 at BESUT...taking the long-hectic-journey
This camp won't happen without you guys(faci).
The rain did challenge our patience.But, taking it form the bright side..we get to experince 'mother nature shower'(",)..Lucky, i prepared some plastic bags.So my HP are saved..hehe
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