Today will be the last time i write my blog at Indonesia. I lead this last days with some unforgettable memories..Receiving a lot of GOOD LUCK wishes and prayers and also farewells. People throw us 3 farewell parties..I'm touched.
My heart ache to leave here and start a new chapter of my life as a clinical student at Pusat Perubatan UKM. It is sad to leave all the friends i made and the life i lead for three years. Even three years feels too short..Definitely I feel sad but I keep my self optimist.This goodbye doesn't mean forever.Everyone have to move on...huhuhu
BBQ at Caringin(where i live for 2 years) with other twinning friends..
Farewell party with PADMA, an organization that manage international students
perform song by Mambai titled Kau Ilhamku with other twinning friends as a gift for PADMA
Farewell by Batchmates(2006 FANTASTIC) from Regular and International program.
With Indonesian friends..will miss u all.
Farewell with my close international program friends..we were housemate for a year during foundation.So many memories i have with you all..Miss you..huhu. Nad the peacock(peace no war..hehe) and AJ the rabbit(hehe).I will remember last night always.Thank you(",)
My last experiment at Jatinangor..CHOCOLATE CAKE.. Thanks to the teacher(Salmi).
I made two for my floor mates, junior and aerobic instructor.
Another important part of my life at JAtinangor is AEROBIC. I go there every week and become part of Arena Senam Jatinangor family members.There i get know lots of ibu who likes to aerobic and make friends with students from other faculty..It was an intresting experience and memorable to mingled with them. I also attended birthday parties and engagement by them.Yesterday was my the last time I go there. Thank you teh(aerobic instructor) for the baju aerobic you gave me.
With Arena Senam Jatinangor members..
Farewell my friends....
Thank you for everything
the memories I had with you
will be kept always in my heart
Dear friend,
just remember
We only part to meet again
Reunited in future i pray
INSYALLAH(with ALLah's will)
aishah, best nye da nak balik!! :)
home for good. hehe anyway tibe2 trasa gk tense nk smbung clinical kt ukm. tgk blog2 budak ukm, hm x kurg hebat nye. haish. anyway, all the best utk judi 2. mudah2an semua lepas :)
To Bie:
TQ Bie.Korg ada setahun lg..Btol..mcm2 perasaan.agak tense gak.barang pula byk tgh pening fikir camne nak muatkan sume dlm beg.nyesal tak anta sume masuk cargo..huhu
Hepi holiday Bie..All the best in future k (",)Jumpa lg d UKM
Salam aishah..welcome home..huuu..missing jatinangor already..sob sob..duk terkenang takes time..nanti sy nak bli no hp baru..roger2 k.
To Menggapai Edensor:
Saya pon akan miss kehidupan di Jatinangor..huhu..apapon live goes on..Saya terdelete la mesej awk yg ada no malaysia..AWk ada kan no maxis saya??send eh no baru tu..
C U at UKM(",)
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