We live to serve or being served?
This entry is based on a motivational talk given by my beloved role model Prof. Dr Muhaya Haji Mohamad,titled: Doctors Extraordinaire at PPUKM Auditorium last night (18/02/2010)
still in a procees in finishing her book...
This talk was organised by our final year seniors. Unfortunately it was done during our study week (3rd yr final exam started on 22/2) and during 4th years final year break( they finished their final exam about 2 weeks ago). Therefore not many choose to attend the talk. Credit to Alia who become the precipitating factor of my attendence (",)
Here are some of the notes I took that can be shared.Hopefully the recording by our university will be made into CD and distributed widely among us (as what Prof wish).
1. Life is about controlling your mind. We have to live the life by design not by default.
2. Regarding my question earlier. We should live to serve not live to served!! Every doctors should have this thoughts when they wake up in the morning. We should be the person who patients feel betters when they see us not vice versa.
3.Dare to dream!! Scientifically,there is neurolinguistic programming inside our body making our thoughts influnce our body.Therefore dream of what you want(with all your heart), you will get it one day. Not 'angan-angan Mat Jenin' - In my opinion, It is proven by the birth of 'The Secret'-a worldwide bestselling motivational book by Rhonda Byrne.Therefore, picture yourself of the future you want,and insyaallah(with the will of ALlah/God) it will happen.
4.To dream you must have roadmap in life: What you achieve is based on:
definitions of your vision
firmness of your purpose
steadiness of your faith
depth of our gratitude
5.Just do it!! Don't think. I really like this idea.Thinking before doing something is good,however it usually becomes too much preventing you of doing something good. Believe in yourself when your intention is for the good. I applied this right after the talk by initiating the taking picture session with Prof..causing others to take picture with her too (",)
6.Power of word is tremendous. When you tell a lie you will become weak. In my opinion, it is human's nature because we are created to do good as chaliph of the world.Therefore, don't cheat/lie in life,especially exam!!
7.Create a very good cirlce of influence by people you meet and books you read. I would like to suggest a few which influnce the talk also.I guess Prof also read these books. She did mention The 7th Habit of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey. Another book I would like to suggest is The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. Credit to Lutfi for introducing me to these two books and Prof 2years ago (",) To be in circle of winners we should have this 3 focus in life : Health,wealth & wisdom.
8.Life is a MISSION.Keep on asking yourself how can I serve instead of ho can I bes served.How??
*help people as much to get God's help
*do things to best of your ability
*becoming the reason for people excelent
*forgive people
9.Before healing others heal yourself physically,spiritually,emotionally and socially.
What your thoughts, they lead to attitude
what your attitudes, they lead to words
what your words, they lead to actions
what your actions ,they lead to habits
what your habits ,they determine your character
what your character, it determine your destiny.
11. Lets become host to God by
* be creative instead of competitive
* be kind instead of being 'right'wannabe
* be beauty
* be LOVE : Listen,overlook people mistake,Voice out good things,make Effort for it to work)
* be expansive
* be abundance
* be receptive-accept people(appreciate,acknowledge and Do NOT criticise them)
12. THe Magic 3-doing that we should have:
* Think of good thoughts
* Speak kind words
* Take good actions
These are all I can share. I hope I can do more than just that. The best always come from Prof Muhaya herself.
My dream & wishes:
1. able to have her as one of the speaker for National Medical Student CME(continuous Medical education) done at UKM in July by PERSIAP with SMMAMS(society of Malaysia Medical Association Medical Student) this year.
2. Get Prof's signature for her book: How to become a good & successful medical student, A holistic approach ( forgot to bring her book last night)
'change is permanent, personal development is a choice'
take one step at a time for change(s)..It takes 3 weeks to establised new habit(",)
May readers have benefit from this post..
For my medical student friends:May we become Extraordinary Doctors!!
Wasalam (",)
hebat aishah!
to e:
TQ,tp sy masih lagi berusaha kearah itu..
mari sama2 kita apply tips2 dari Prof Muhaya dan menjadi orang yang hebat.semoga beroleh manfaat bersama.
yang baik itu datang dari Allah/tuhan,yang buruk itu dari saya sendiri (",)
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