Saturday, July 11, 2009

Stigma is prejudism!!


What do you think when you see these pictures??

Down syndrome- they don't choose to be like this and it is not a transmitted disease!!

leprosy- it can be cured(if get early treatment),the picture on the right is after the treatment.

obesity-there are many reasons on why they become like this

mental illness and starvation-a boy that was locked in his house and doesn't get proper treatment.

dwarfism-they don't choose to be small, regardless their size,they are like normal people too

You might think of avoiding them...staring at them because they don't look normal or worse tease them.

DOn't you think it is inappopriate?? Aren't they human being too like us??
These people have stigmatized illness who usually gets stigma from the society.

What is stigma? Stigma is a negative impression or prejudism on a certain group of people who have stigmatized illness(eg: mental illness, skin diseases, HIV,Down syndrome).

They tends to get stigmatized and neglected by the society.

Moreover, they receives less social support. In addition to their own problem, they can get depress because of less support. Not many employeers want to employ them. Since they don't have income, the can't afford the medicine or treatment they need.
Due to their limitation, they need special public facilities or consideration that we tends to neglect.

Some of them may not have support by their own family members. The health care system also do have stigma on them.Sadly, some health care workers too doesn't understand their condition and have stigma on them

What we can do???
First, UNDERSTAND their condition and erase the myth you know about them
Next, ACCEPT them as who they are.Let them live with us without feeling inferior
Then, CHANGE and let others change wih you by educating them to UNDERSTAND & ACCEPT

To learn more about STIGMA and STIGMATIZED are invited to attend this forum under Hari KEsihatan Sedunia 2009.The theme this year is STIGMATIZED illness-To Understand, Accept & Change organized by AMSA UKM in conjunction with PERSIAP,PPK & JAKSA.As one of the high committee members, I'll be glad if many people willing to join us.

Title: ''Penyakit Stigma, Masyarakat boleh berubah''
Prof Fuad Ismail- Jabatan Onkologi, PPUKM
Prof Madya Dr. Ruzanna Zamzam-Jab. Psikiatri, PPUKM
Dr Azmi Mohd Tamil-Jab. Kebajikan Masyarakat, PPUKM
Where?? Pusat Perubatan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, PPUKM
When?? 18/07/2009(Saturday) from 2.00pm till 5.00pm
Fee?? FREE of charge

Contact person:Siti Juliana 017 370 2023, Noradila Salmi 017 953 9608

Publics can also join the blood donation, medical check-up and mini exhibition.
Where?? PPUKM
When?? 17-18/07/2009(friday and saturday) from 10.00am till 5.00pm

Hopefully our small effort will make the making people aware of the stigmatized illness.Hopefully many people will change and make world better place to live.

Poster of HAri kesihatan Dunia 2009-Peringkat PPUKM


P/s: Stigmatized illness patients can be pretty and live happily like, CHANGE to make the world a better place for them to live.


miss AIN said...

well done, aishah!=))

nur_aishah said...

To miss Ain:

Hehe..thanks Ain.Its one of my 'aggressive promotion' for Hari kesihatan sedunia 2009 PPUKM..

promote jugala kat ur Blog

P/s: sorry for many mistakes done in the earlier entry..dah edit dah..inform me if ada yg salah.TQ

mYshah said...

salam... owh aishah terlbat ngan WHD ni ek.. ic ic. bz ya? bagus2.

nway reading this entry reminds me about last year when i also organized an anti-stigmatism campaign. however at that time we only focused on schizophrenia.

ya it'll be a good program indeed. kecian kat mereka2 yg dapat penyakit2 tu. as u wrote there, it's not what they'd wish for right... aish.... heee... however dont forget that some patient who have disease that do caused by their unhealthy lifestyle,we as a doctor also need do give our support ^^

may b ill return to hukm this week. hopefully can join ur pgrm ^^


madziani said...

cara bagus nak promote. unikla aishah. i like it.

nur_aishah said...

To mySyah:

Betol..betol..betol..Thanks abg Syah.joinla program kami.ajakla kwn2 join..hehe.TQ

To hana :

hehe..terima kasih Ani
ni sume berkat pengalaman jd EXCO Publisiti Persatuan Pelajar Malysia Seindonesia(PKPMI) dan orientasi dulu...

pengalaman adah suatu hadiah yg tidak ternilai dgn wang ringgit.(",)

jgn lupa join kami ye...

Stay Sane Mama said...

wah good point u got here aisyah....slalu sgt marah org yg slalu nak stare org yg kekurangan ni. huhu

drtamil said...

Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat?????

nur_aishah said...

yes Prof, not to forget Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat for their role in helping them too (>,<)